Monday, February 9, 2009

cousins visit!!!

So I was way excited when my cousin, Lynette, called and said she wanted to meet up with me for dinner when her and her husband Ron, along with their son Michael, wife Jenna, and their kiddos, came to NYC.

J and I took off after I got home... late from work... got stuck in rush hour traffic... got to the train station way late... subway took what seemed like forever to get to where we needed!

Long story short... we made it to dinner as it was time for them to leave dinner to make it to their broadway show! Oh dear... we felt bad! I was so excited that I still got to see them despite the forces against us and we ended up getting in a nice chat as we walked them towards where their show was.

J and I ate the leftover pizza and then hit up Serendipity's for dessert... we had the classic, Frozen Hot Chocolate! Yum! Except it for sure gave me a tummy ache the rest of the night! Oops... oh well, it was worth it!


michelle said...

i lUv ThIs PlAcE!

Ms. said...

I heard that was a good place. I probably read it someone seeing as I have never been anywhere east of Arizona. You look great k!