Thursday, March 11, 2010

double tag... so i must!

tagged once by j, tagged again by syd... guess i'm not getting out of this one! maybe i shouldn't check blogs for an even longer period of time! :) I bet they did it so at least there would be something new on here... it may just work. if i don't fall asleep by the end, i may post a couple more!

4 shows I like to watch
1. Suns
2. Utes football
3. Food Network
4. guilty pleasure- the hills- I don't know why!!!

4 things I'm passionate about
1. kids-- love them.
2. gyming it up
3. close ties to fam and friends
4. gospel

phrases I say a lot
1. a one word phrase- "fun" or "funny" after someone says something
2. for real
3. E
4. is this a joke... j- you know we've been roomies!

4 things I have learned from the past
1. You can plan life, but know there will probably be changes to your plan- self induced or not, and take you in a different direction.
2. parents are right
3. God knows you way better than you know yourself
4. You're never alone. Never.

4 places I would like to go
1. The orient
2. Aruba, Bahamas... come on pretty mama!
3. Northwest
4. Home to see the fam... again.

4 things I did yesterday
1. went to work
2. gym
3. showered/got ready/ate
4. watched a movie with a friend

4 things I'm looking forward to
1. having a family of my own to care for
2. moving up in my career
3. SuMmEr
4. the man of my dreams (does that count as something diff than #1?)

4 things I love about winter
1. It being over
2. A few months closer to spring/summer
3. the stillness during snowfall... as long as I don't have anywhere to be.
4. Christmas

4 things on my wish list
1. best hubbie in the world before I'm 30- I hope the man upstairs agrees... if not, (sigh) i'll keep having patience. (best for me of course... don't get all competitive)
2. to be able to adopt-- if I don't get a husband soon, I may just jump ahead to this one!
3. to be a better example
4. stay grounded for life, head on straight, with an eye towards the ultimate goal of eternal life.

4 people to tag
1. Mel
2. Mom
3. Nicole
4. Lisa


Green River High School said...

Girlfriend I already did this one! I don't know if I can come up with more things! hahah!!!
Thanks, though :)

Kris said...

oh shoot... I even read it, but then forgot! Ha! I'll change it!... and lets go to Aruba!

Mack & Karen Tarwater said...

Loved all you had to say. I somehow missed this blog entry and now I see that you tagged me so I'll try and do it on our family blog. Love, Mom