Monday, January 26, 2009

on a lighter note for all of you!

A week ago today, J and I adventured into the city for the MTK holiday...
Ventured onto Canal street... it was a wet, cold, and snowy day, so the vendors weren't up to much, except for whispering Prada, Gucci, etc. in my ear!
Got hot chocolate at Starbucks to warm up...
we went to the empire state building...
grabbed a magnolia's cupcake...
went in the St. Patrick's cathedral...
dreamed in Anthropology...
and so much more.
Life with J is always a blast.
I'm so glad I have her here!


michelle said...

this makes me want to move somewhere fabulous....

Ms. said...

what an adventure! The church is beautiful and I LOVE hot chocolate from starbucks!