Sunday, October 11, 2009

ugh... i thought these days were over

I was wrong... we have now caught 4 in 24 hours. This is sick. What do I do? This house is nice so I thought, but this, this is just too much.

I have diposed of my first 2, and hopefully my last 2 mice ever.


Ms. said...

oh my gosh Kristen!!!! Maybe you need to turn into the 'crazy mouse lady' instead of cats

Mack & Karen Tarwater said...

That is so gross!!!!! Hopefully there are no more. I'm proud of you and your bravery! Love, Mom

Searle said...

Oh that is too funny!! I love it. You guys totally make me laugh and miss ya! Good job for being so brave...I don't know if I could have done it!

Unknown said...


tutus n bowties said...

I think I just peed a little from laughing so much! Ummm maybe it's time to move again.

Green River High School said...

I've watched it once... I couldn't even make it through a second time. Ahhhhh, I hate creepy, crawling things!!! ewwwwwwww. Sorry, Kris.

ceniza studios said...

i love that you have a towel by your bedroom door so they can't get in ;-)

Kris said...

haha... so true ashlee. i finally removed the towel. i have trust in that they've all been captured.

Melanie said...

oh my gosh, i'm laughing my head off. i'm crying. yes, tears. at first i thought i WAS watching your NY video!! icky. i can't believe you are re-using that trap!!